Featured collection

Our leather is sourced from one of the famous tanneries in Igualda, Spain. The small village hosts just a handful of tanneries, which are fighting against the low-quality leathers, usually found on the market.
- Vegetable tanned leather
- First selection
- Full grain leather
- Dyed through / Natural
- Complete local production
- Vachetta | Novillo | Calf | Cow leather
- Made in Spain

Our studio is located in the very heart of Barcelona, Spain. Here we get the daily inspiration from the vibrant Mediterranean life for our creations. The international flair by the constant stream of tourists and ex-pats mixes with the advantages of a sunny city by the beach.
In our atelier, we foster traditional craftmanship and develop it further with modern practices. All of our products are made by hand with perfection and carry the unique signature of the maker.
We produce everything locally by ourselves to ensure that the quality and production conditions meet our standards.

We designed the collection from the ground on to be timeless. We believe, that a good product should stand above short cycle fashion trends. While the products are minimalistic and follow the less is more approach, we took great care about all the small details, to shape them with a distinctive character.
Consequently, rather than issuing each season a new collection, we focus our efforts on improving the design, materials, and production of each product evolutionary. And we expand the collection from time to time carefully following our core principles with new products.
If you buy a product from us today, we hope that you still love it in 40 years.

Good objects are not just sustainable in all their aspects (ecological, economically, long-lasting), but they also fulfill a purpose beyond that. They belong to you. You would never question to take them with you, as they became a part of you.
It's your father's watch, your grandmother's camera, your mother's notebook or your friend's bag. They are the everyday company but still unique to each of us. We all know these objects and the power they can mean to us.
We believe that all of these objects exist already as a concept in the ether, so we only need to translate them into real space. We are on the hunt for these objects.

Die Wahl des richtigen Leders für unsere Produkte war eine Reise der Entdeckung und des Lernens. Als wir anfingen, konzentrierten wir uns darauf, Leder mit dem perfekten Aussehen und Gefühl zu fi...
Im Atelier Madre, erzählt jedes Lederprodukt, das wir herstellen, eine Geschichte von außergewöhnlicher Handwerkskunst und Liebe zum Detail. Unser Verfahren kombiniert traditionelle Techniken mit e...
Im Jahr 2006, als ich 19 Jahre alt war und gerade mein Designstudium in Bremen begann, schlenderte ich durch die belebten Gänge des Chatuchak-Marktes in Bangkok. Inmitten des lebhaften Chaos fiel m...