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Neck Pouches

Bosses de coll

Descobreix la nostra col·lecció de bosses de coll de cuir, dissenyades i elaborats al nostre Barcelona Atelier. Aquestes bosses ofereixen una forma elegant i pràctica de cuir bronzejat de gra complet i marcatge de verdures, que ofereix una forma elegant i pràctica de portar els seus elements bàsics. Perfectes per a telèfons, targetes o articles petits, combinen el disseny minimalista amb la funcionalitat quotidiana. Disponibles en diversos colors versàtils, són ideals per a aquells que aprecien la comoditat sense comprometre’s a l’estil.

Calf leather festival bag neckVegetable tanned leather necklace bag hanger for phone
Bossa de coll en cuir marró Preu de ventaCHF 120.00

As seen in

Seen in the New York Times
Seen in Mens Health Magazine
Seen in Elle Magazine
Seen in Glamour Magazine
Handcrafting Macbook Sleeve Manuel Dreesmann Designer Manuel Dreesmann Barcelona Spain

Made in Barcelona

Traditional Craftsmanship

We make all products by hand in our atelier studio in the heart of Barcelona Spain. From the selection of the best part of the leather, cutting by hand to sewing and burnishing the leather edges. All production steps are in house to ensure maximum quality for our products.

Interior Shop Workshop Atelier Madre Manuel Dreesmann Barcelona Spain

Atelier Madre

In September 2021, we opened our doors in the heart of the city centre of Barcelona.

If you pass by, you can not only see us working in the workshop, but also shop directly from us.

We welcome you to come and see the whole collection first hand.

If you are in Barcelona, visit us and let's have a chat.

Our adress: Carrer del Rec 20, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

Open: Monday-Sunday 11:00-20:00

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